Real World Marvel-Style Super Heroes in “The Fight”

Sundance Film Festival, January 24, 2020. From l to r: Elyse Steinberg, Eli Despres, Kerry Washington, Josh Kriegman, Peggy Drexler. Photo: Suzanne Lerner

Sundance Film Festival, January 24, 2020. From l to r: Elyse Steinberg, Eli Despres, Kerry Washington, Josh Kriegman, Peggy Drexler. Photo: Suzanne Lerner

I am so proud to be a part of the team of supporters that helped this dynamic filmmaking team — Elyse Steinberg, Eli Despres, Josh Kriegman, Peggy Drexler, and actor and producer Kerry Washington — get this documentary made.

The reviews have been outstanding. As Kerry Washington said in a Variety interview about the lawyers of the ACLU, ““These are our Avengers. I wanted to go behind the scenes. I wanted to know their origin stories and root for them, as we do for all our Marvel superheroes.”

If there was ever a truly American, patriotic story, this is it.

As Vox Media’s review said so well:

“Ultimately the goal of The Fight isn’t to critique the ACLU or trace its history; it’s to show that the organization’s work, and the work of countless others who litigate on behalf of civil and human rights, is never open-and-shut. It’s an uphill battle, one worth fighting but without any guarantee of winning. Still, people do it — and The Fight shows why.”

There’s no official distributor yet, but I have a feeling it will be landing at theaters and streaming into your home very soon!

Here’s a list of reviews to check out:



Hollywood Reporter

BMD: Birth. Movies. Death


"We're in This Together" Means Helping Our Most Vulnerable


What it Means to Fight the Good Fight - Sundance 2020